Alright, there’s definitely no hiding it anymore (not that I was trying to)! I think it’s pretty clear in these pictures that there’s a baby there! In fact, today at school was the first time that a stranger noticed that I was pregnant. It was picture day at school and I had to go down to get my picture taken for my ID badge and for the yearbook and when I got there the photographer said, “Wow, it looks like we’ll be taking pictures for 2!” It’s a good thing I really am pregnant and not just chubby around the middle because he probably would have felt pretty bad!

That’s about all the news around here for now. Other than that I’m just really excited it’s finally the weekend! In fact, our principal just e-mailed the whole staff and told us to just go ahead and take Monday off if we want to (it’s supposed to be a teacher workday). Kinda nice! I’ll still probably go in for a couple hours to get some work done, but I definitely won’t stay the whole day…so it’s almost like a 3-day weekend!

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