When my mom came from Bolivia, she brought a couple of outfits she had saved that I wore when I was a baby. Since I was also a February baby, this outfit fits Anna Kate perfectly. It was great for a chilly family outing to Starbucks tonight!

4 Thoughts on “Like mommy, like baby”

  • Oh my GOODNESS! She's adorable. She looks precious in her mommy's outfit. I have to see her again soon. She's changing so much.

  • Oh and also, by the way, that was probably my outfit. I'd like to know where my hand-me-downs are. Oh right, I had two boys. But they could wear that little snow outfit. Because it was mine. Think about it, you got all my hand-me-downs. Please mail me my snow outfit so Cooper can wear it before it gets too warm here. Thanks.

  • That Sarah is really on top of things. Patty, you better send that suit to her PDQ.
    Our Anna Kate is adorable in it, just like her mother was.

  • Oh, by the way, that last comment of from Anna Kate's great-grandmother.
    –Great Grandmother B.

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