I know I have frustrated a number of friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents by not posting for the past four days. Anna Kate and I have had a great week at home as I am adjusting to staying at home for the next 2 months. I have learned a number of things since I have started staying home (I am keeping a list which I will post in a week or two). However, Patty pointed out this morning that I have been failing in my blog-keeping duties, so here is an update. First, Anna Kate is two months old today. Here is a picture of her in her crib in her cute spring outfit (minus the bow that went missing):
Notice that she doesn’t look exactly pleased in this picture. While she probably didn’t like being propped up against the couch pillow, she more tired that anything else and was upset that I was messing up her nap time. I can make that educated deduction because these were the next two pictures that I took:
In all fairness, I did try to take her picture during her play time, but the camera battery died and I had to recharge it. Patty tells me that I need to post at least three times a week, so I will try to post tomorrow and Saturday so I meet my quota ;). Also, pray for me because I am going to have to take Anna Kate to her 2-month appointment tomorrow by myself and there are going to be some vaccinations that Anna Kate will need to get. Patty cannot get off of work so she will not be able to go with us. So pray for me, Anna Kate, and Patty tomorrow around 9:00.
Hi Luke & Patty! I'm one of Patty's Furman music Ed friends, and I have a baby girl & hubby in seminary, too. Anyway if you are interested, I've done a lot of research on the US current vaccination schedule, and have posted a lot to our family blog, if you want to read it. There's so much controversy and such high stakes–it's intimidating!! Anyway you can see what I've read and what we've prayerfully decided to do w our little ones!! –Christina