Happy 4 months, Anna Kate! I can hardly believe it’s been 4 months since you joined our family! But at the same time, it feels like you have always been a part of us. We can’t imagine life without you! Here are some ways you have changed this month.

~You absolutely love your toys now. Your favorites are your soft flower rattle with the crinkly petals and your soft pink bear lovey which you like to cuddle with as you fall asleep.
~You are just starting to move when we lay you down on your mat or on a blanket. When you’re on your back you are very good at spinning and sometimes even moving off your mat! We often find you spun around in your crib when we get you up in the morning. When you are on your tummy, you have just started to pull your knees underneath you, but we’ll see how long it takes you to start scooting!
~You are extremely alert now and love to interact with everything going on around you. You smile at just about everyone you see. You also love to “talk” to your mommy and daddy.
~You are easily startled by loud sudden noises, but you calm right down when you see mommy or daddy smile and tell you that it’s alright.
~You have learned to take out your paci, but have not quite learned how to put it back in, which sometimes frustrates you!
~You have definitely become our little thumb-sucker, probably as a result of the previous comment.
~You love to play with your toes. You have even figured out how to get them all the way to your mouth!
~When we hold you up on our laps or on a hard surface, you love to “stand” and put your weight on your legs. This makes it really easy to put your pants on!

I could probably go on, but those are your major developments this month. We love you with all of our hearts, Anna Kate, and are so excited to see you grow!

And here are the pictures…

One month old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old!