Anna Kate just wanted to tell her Daddy how much she loves him on this special day, his first Father’s day! She can’t use her “big words” yet, but this is what I think she is saying with that precious little expression…
Hi Daddy,
Thank you so much for loving me as much as you do. You have done such a good job taking care of me these past couple months while Mommy finished the school year. Thank you for working so hard now to provide for me and Mommy. We really appreciate you! Thank you also for singing the “Pretty Anna Kate” song to me…I really like it. Thank you for getting down on the floor with me to play with my toys, and for reading me stories, like Brown Bear, Brown Bear (that one’s my favorite). Thank you for all the hugs and kisses you give me every day. Thank you for always praying that I would grow up to worship Jesus. Thank you for being my daddy.
Anna Kate
Your post is great. Your new home lovely! You and Luke are doing so great and we are so proud of you and Anna Kate is beautiful. God is so Good!!