Happy 5-month birthday, Anna Kate!

This month has been filled with new things for you! We moved to a new state, you have a new room in a new house, and you have met lots of new friends! One of Mommy’s favorite new things that has happened this month is that she is now spending all day, every day, with you! We have had so much fun this past month having lots of special time together. Here are some ways you have changed this month.

~You have gotten VERY good at rolling from your back to your tummy. In fact, you now hate to stay on your back as much as you used to hate tummy time! You love to be on your tummy and have your toys right there in front of you.
~You are really starting to move a lot more this month. You are not crawling, but you are definitely scooting and turning around on your playmat. I guess we better get this house baby-proof!
~You are a very giggly baby now. There are a number of things that Mommy and Daddy do that you think are just hilarious! A few of these are the SuperGirl game, the Bubblegum song, Wibbleton Wobbleton, and peekaboo with your lovey-bear.
~You have become very ticklish this month. Your best ticklespots are the tops of your chubby thighs, and your ribs right under your arms!
~You love to go to the playground and swing in the baby swings. I was a little nervous to put you in them at first, but you figured it right out. You hold on just like you’re supposed to, and you have so much fun!
~I think that you have just started really teething in the past few days. You’ve been a little fussier than usual, you’ve been drooling A LOT, and you keep chewing on your index finger. Maybe you’ll have a new tooth by next month’s update.
~You really enjoy reading stories with Mommy and Daddy. You really like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Cat in the Hat, The Belly Button Book, your 100 Ways to Know God Loves Me, and your new Big Storybook Bible. You and Mommy have even been going to Mommy/Baby storytime at our new library and you LOVE it!
~Your favorite toys now are your seahorse rattle, your pink and green bug pull-toy, your ladybug (which has been one of your favorites since you were first born), and of course, your pink bear lovey that you can’t sleep without.
~You have a nickname that I am afraid is going to stick – Lunky! It’s a derivative of what your Grandpa calls your Mommy. I think it comes from Pumpkin…

Anna Kate, you are our treasure and we love you so much! We thank God for you every day and pray that you will grow up to worship Him with all your heart.

And now for the pictures…oh, and as a disclaimer…Daddy had the camera charger with him at work today, so we couldn’t take this picture until right before your bedtime. You’re not normally this floppy…

One month old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old

Five months old!
(And yes, you do have a hairbow in, but it was late and it was falling behind your head…oh well!)