Anna Kate and I spent the morning at the Riverbanks Zoo with some good friends from church. We had a great time looking at all of the animals and enjoying a slightly less sweltering day than it has been lately! Anna Kate was so much more observant and excited about the animals than she was the last time we went, so that was really fun to watch. Here are some pictures of our day!

Both kids intently watching the flamingos

We fed the birds and boy did the little ones think that was fun!

Anna Kate loves tigers…real tigers, statues of tigers, Clemson Tigers…

Aren’t they cute?

We had to take this picture because we took the exact same shot back when we went to the zoo at the end of March. Here’s a link to that post: 1st trip to the zoo. It’s hard to believe Anna Kate has changed so much in just a few months!

Anna Kate with the gorilla (6 months)

Anna Kate with the gorilla (2 months) – look at those skinny little legs!

I have never been so close to a giraffe before! He wasn’t too pleased that I didn’t have food for him either…

Speaking of food, Anna Kate needed a snack, so she enjoyed a chunk of a banana while strolling around the zoo…what a life!

I think it’s safe to say that this was Anna Kate’s favorite exhibit…she thought this monkey was hilarious!

The gorilla was pretty neat too! (Don’t worry, there’s a big piece of glass between the kids and the gorilla!)

We had a great day and are excited to go back sometime soon!

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