Luke has spent many hours over the past month working on quite a project for Anna Kate (and Caroline in a year or so) – a sandbox! Now, this is no small, ordinary sandbox. This is a 6 foot by 6 foot sandbox that contains (literally) a ton of sand – 2000 pounds! Now that we have a big backyard of our own, Luke has had a lot of fun getting out some of his power tools and doing all kinds of things for the house. And we are definitely enjoying the fruits of his labor! Here are some pictures of the final project.

It has a retractable cover to keep leaves, squirrels, and the neighborhood cat out!

Anna Kate LOVES it!

And so did her cousins this past weekend!

Thank you so much, Daddy, for building me such a great sandbox! And Mommy says to thank you for providing me with hours of entertainment each day!