Sweet Caroline,
You are FOUR months old today! Honestly this monthly update really snuck up on me as it seems like time is just flying by. As much as I try to savor every moment of your babyhood, you just keep growing and growing. I really feel like you are much more of a baby and less of a newborn these days. Here is how you are changing this month!
~ You have really figured out how to laugh! Sometimes it’s just a sweet little giggle and other times it’s a deep belly chuckle when you really get going! You really laugh when we say your name silly or when we tickle you up under your chin.
~ You have found your fingers and toes this month and have made it your ambition to see how much of an entire hand or foot you can put into your mouth at one time. They really are your favorite toys.
~ Speaking of toys, you have also started to reach and grab and pull on the toys on your playmat. You will really grab onto them so hard that sometimes when I pick you up, you pick up the entire mat with you!
~ You seem to be a very tall baby (we will go to the doctor next week, so we’ll find out then), but you are also starting to fill out that length with some baby pudginess! You have the sweetest little chubby cheeks that are so rosy and kissable!
~ You are getting so big, in fact, that you are wearing 6-9 month clothes! We may have to move you up pretty soon to the size medium cloth diapers, too.
~ You are getting very close to rolling over, both ways in fact, but you haven’t done it on a consistent basis yet.
~ You are very alert now when you are awake, truly taking in everything going on around you. You love to just watch your mommy or daddy or crazy big sister as we work and play. You also have started to pay attention at library storytime each week. You seem to even enjoy the songs and rhymes!
~ Because you are so alert, I now have to try my best to nurse you in a quiet and dark place so that you will focus on the task at hand instead of watch the world go by. I really can’t even look at you or you will stop nursing to give me your big smiles!
~ Your daily schedule now goes something like this: Wake up at 7:30 or 8 and nurse, nap from 9:30-10:30, nurse, nurse again before nap from 1-3:30, nurse, short catnap around 5-6, nurse, then nurse and in bed by 8. And then nurse again multiple times during the night…
~ Yes, you are going through what I have heard called the “Four Month Sleep Regression”. In fact, I think you could be the poster child for said regression. You do one 4 hour stretch of sleep from 8-midnight, but then you are up every two hours to either nurse or just hang out with Mommy. It’s lovely. Ha! But everything I read said that this will only last a couple weeks…I’m not holding my breath, but we’ll see!
~ You have definitely started the mommy attachment thing earlier than I had expected. You are a very sweet baby, but sometimes only Mommy will suffice. Daddy is definitely a close second, and everybody else ranks way behind. Let’s just say that we always take a pager with us when we leave you in the nursery…
~ I think you might become a very dramatic child. You will be happily giggling one moment and then the next moment one might think your world was ending. But Mommy and Daddy can calm you down pretty quickly (see above).
~ You really like your baths! Even if you’re fussing as we get you undressed, you immediately calm down when you get in the bath. In fact, we set you in the sling your little baby tub without any water tonight while we bathed Anna Kate and you were just as happy as could be!
~ You love to be swaddled and can’t sleep without it even for naps. If you are ever upset, swaddling will always calm you down, especially if you combine it with swinging, swaying, shushing, and sucking (pretty sure those are the 5 S’s from one of those baby books…you could be that textbook baby, too!)
~ You love to be looked at and talked to. While you aren’t really fond of people you don’t know picking you up, you LOVE to have them come up and smile and chat with you. You will give just about anyone who pays you any attention a BIG smile!
Caroline Hope, you bring so much joy to our family. Your giggles and smiles just melt your mommy and daddy’s hearts, and even your sister thinks you are just the best thing ever. We love you with all our hearts!
And I couldn’t decide on just one picture this month, so here are all your monthly pictures, plus a few extra!