In trying to figure out life with two kids, we decided that combining doctor visits might make life easier, so we did our first double appointment yesterday for our 4-month (I know, she’s almost five months…) and 2-year check-ups. I really wanted to schedule it with our favorite doctor on a Friday morning so that Luke could come with me. I wasn’t ready to brave going by myself with both of them yet, although they were extremely well-behaved and I probably could have! Anyway, the check-ups went great, and although I forgot the camera, I still wanted to post about it because if it doesn’t get written here, I’ll forget!
Caroline went first and did a great job getting measured and checked all over. She is a very healthy little girl! We are dealing with some little skin issues with her, but our doctor had some more ideas for me to try and we are going to see if they help. Her little baby skin is just so sensitive! But, in other news, she has found her toes which apparently is a 6-month skill! Haha…she’s going to be a genius 😉
Here are Caroline’s stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 14 oz (75%)
Height: 26 1/4 inches (90%)
She did great with her two little shots in her chubby little legs, just a quick cry and then calmed right down when Mommy held her!
Anna Kate was perfect for her check-up and did everything the doctor asked her to do (and then some!), including saying “Yes, ma’am” to her questions (we’ve been working on this!). She had to get a little finger prick and didn’t fuss once. In fact, Luke was explaining to her that this would help keep her healthy and wasn’t that nice of the nurse to do that, and while the nurse was squeezing the drops of blood out of her finger she looked up at her and said, “Thank you!” Wow…she does better than I ever do!
And here are Anna Kate’s stats:
Weight: 32 lbs (90-95%) Hmm…I wonder when I should stop posting her weight on here 😉
Height: 35 inches (90-95%)…almost 3 feet tall!
No shots at the two-year appointment, so that made it easy…and they didn’t ask if she knew how to jump! Haha! Those who have spent any time around us lately know that I have been working on this with her. They asked at her 18-month visit if she could jump, which she can’t. But they said, “It’s ok, we’ll just ask at her 2-year visit!” So we’ve been working. Problem is she thinks she’s jumping, but her feet don’t actually leave the ground! So she’s going to have some catching up to do if basketball is in her future!