I know this post is a few days late since Dr. Seuss’s birthday was actually on Saturday, but that day was overshadowed by the birth of my new nephew, Colton, so I didn’t get this post up until today!  But, we had a lot of fun doing some special Dr. Seuss activities last week, as well as wearing our Dr. Seuss outfits.  A sweet lady in our church made the girls these precious Dr. Seuss pillowcase dresses which they wore to the library on Thursday and then again on Saturday.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to take their picture until bedtime on Saturday night and they weren’t really in the mood.  But I did get a couple of cute reading pictures.

And then they wanted to dance…

And lastly, I’ll leave you with Anna Kate’s rendition of the Cat in the Hat.  I cut out the pieces, but she did all of the gluing of the pieces and drawing of the mouth and whiskers!