Saturday we had an Easter Egg Hunt and party at Malvern Hill. The girls (especially Anna Kate) were so excited about it! It is a big outreach that our church does every year. Anna Kate was very enthusiastic last week about stuffing eggs with invitations and taking them everywhere we went – the library, the park, etc! It was such a fun and easy way to involve her in outreach and evangelism. She absolutely loves to tell people about Jesus and invite them to church.
Saturday arrived and it was pouring down rain. And cold. Very cold. But we didn’t let it put a damper on things! The hunt and all the other activities were moved inside (including a huge bouncy house!) and the morning was a great success! We were able to meet a number of families from our community who don’t have a church home and we are hoping that they will join us this weekend for our Easter services.
And of course, the kids had a wonderful time! The four and under group had their hunt first. I wasn’t sure if Caroline would get the hang of it, but oh she did!
Anna Kate was a pretty good egg-hunter herself!
She even found the golden egg! The finder of the golden egg got to pick
a special prize. She picked a bubble-blowing lawn mower and has been
waiting patiently for the sun to come out so that she can mow the lawn
with her Daddy!