Well, the beautiful Thanksgiving season has already given way to the wonder of Christmastime, but I would be remiss if I didn’t post about last week’s celebrations! We truly enjoyed the month of November – wearing jackets for the first time this year, raking LOTS of leaves, reflecting on all the blessings God has given us, and spending time with family.

For the past few years, we’ve had a family tradition of making a “Thankful” tree. The girls collected sticks from the backyard, we put them in a vase and filled it with holly berries, and then we added leaves each night. Each night we would write down on the leaves things for which we were thankful. Here are a few of Anna Kate’s…

And a few of Caroline’s!

Last week we headed up to Flat Rock, NC, to spend Thanksgiving with Luke’s family. It is always so fun to see them, but we were also surprised with quite a snowfall on the day before Thanksgiving!

We had between 1-2 inches on the ground, but it did melt pretty quickly. That didn’t stop the girls from going out and throwing snowballs though!

Other highlights of our visit included making turkey crafts with Mimi and Aunt Allison…

eating a wonderful Thanksgiving feast…

and going to visit the goats at the Carl Sandburg house. The girls just LOVE them!

 Here are a couple pictures of my two little turkeys on Thanksgiving day. Love them!

And one of me and Luke with baby girl at 32 weeks!

We are truly thankful for all the blessings that God has given us, the most important of which is the blessing of salvation through his son Jesus Christ!

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