(Photo credit to my good friend Lisa whose son is also on AK’s team)

I feel like we have entered a new season in this whole parenting thing. The world of extra-curricular activities! Now, Anna Kate has been playing violin for a while now, but I just teach her at home as one of our “preschooling” activities. So, starting t-ball this spring has been a whole new ball game (pun intended).

Our county rec department baseball league is pretty popular around here. T-ball for the 4- and 5-year-olds, Coaches Pitch for 6- through 8-year-olds, and player pitch after that. Anna Kate has been talking about wanting to play t-ball since last spring when some of her older friends played. Well, actually, sometime around September she told us (totally out of the blue) that she decided she was going to switch from t-ball to golf. Mind you, she hadn’t even started t-ball yet, but her sights were set on golf. We explained to her that golf isn’t really an option for four-year-olds, so maybe she better start with t-ball. That was satisfactory. She was so excited when the time finally came!

Here is a picture of our little ball player and her team!
(She’s the second one from the left on the front row and her good buddy Colten is second from the right)

Playing center field in their first game
Waiting her turn…
And her first at bat!

 (The pink Hello Kitty bat makes all the difference)
Luke is really enjoying getting to practice throwing and catching and batting with her, and we are all having a great time getting out in our community each Saturday morning to meet new friends and watch these sweet little ones play ball!