Our little family had many, many reasons to celebrate last month.
First, Luke turned the big 3-0 on June 12th! The renovations on our
house were completed (or completed enough) just in time to have a little
birthday/housewarming party in his honor with some of our close
friends, as well as his parents who came into town for the weekend. It’s
hard to believe that the first birthday I celebrated with Luke was his
20th birthday, and now here we are 10 years later! His actual birthday
was during VBS, so some of our youth decorated his car!

June 15th was also a very special day. In addition to being Father’s
Day, it was also our 7th wedding anniversary. And to add more to the
celebration, we participated in Parent/Child dedication with our church
family, where we committed to raise Eleanor in the ways of the Lord. On
Father’s Day last year, we had just learned that God would be blessing
our family with another baby. After much uncertainty about her little
life last summer, it was such a joy to be able to dedicate our precious
four-month-old little girl. She behaved so well up in front as we made
commitments with our church family, and just sucked her little thumb the
whole time!

We came home and had a wonderful dinner with Luke’s mom and dad to celebrate Father’s Day. And if that weren’t enough, a few of our youth girls offered to babysit ALL THREE so that we could go out for our anniversary!

God has richly blessed our family and we are so grateful.