I am treasuring these days. Don’t get me wrong, many of them are difficult. And we collapse in exhaustion after we put the girls to bed each night. And we have the same discipline issues that every parent of preschoolers has. But life is good and we are so blessed. We’ve really had so much fun this past month that I haven’t had the time to do much blogging. So here’s my attempt at remembering the sweet moments.
Our friend Henry (and his mommy and daddy, Will and Caitlin!) came to visit for Labor Day weekend. And we cheered for the Clemson tigers!
Anna Kate started soccer and is having a blast. Two of her best friends (Colten and Paisley) are also on her team, and she has the best coach ever (Paisley’s mom Ashley) and best assistant coaches ever (Colten’s mom Lisa, and Luke)!
We’ve spent some fun times with our good friends Nora and Ava.
The big girls have snuggled Eleanor (a lot).
And they’ve read her lots of stories.
Luke took Caroline on a Daddy-daughter date.
I took the girls on a spontaneous trip to the zoo with our park friends.
Daddy entertains the girls while Mommy teaches violin and/or cooks supper.
And, I have had lots of fun playing dress-up with my three real-live baby dolls. We are so blessed by friends who give us the prettiest hand-me-downs!
But seriously…I look at those three faces and I am overcome with thankfulness.