A few days before we were set to leave for our big Thanksgiving trip, we realized we hadn’t taken any family pictures for Christmas cards yet. We knew that once Thanksgiving was over, our calendar was looking pretty full, so we wanted to see if we could get one taken before we left. I emailed our good friend Renee who has taken our pictures before, and she (extremely graciously!) replied, “How about tomorrow?” We were so grateful that she was able to get some sweet shots of our little family.
Here’s the very first picture she took that afternoon:
Honestly, it’s my favorite! Anna Kate being sweet, Eleanor sucking her thumb, and then Little Middle being her crazy and unpredictable self!
After that, Caroline settled down and gave us some cute smiles!
I truly couldn’t believe that Renee got all three girls to genuinely smile all at the same time! It’s a Christmas miracle!
Renee kept asking if there were any other shots or poses that I wanted her to get, but honestly I was just so thrilled that she’d gotten such good ones already that I forgot to have her take some individual shots. So after she left, I decided I’d try my hand at getting a few with my little camera. They actually turned out just fine after Luke edited them!
And, I’ll leave you with one more shot of Caroline’s “wild eyes” just for fun!