Sweet Eleanor Grace,
Today you are ONE year old! Our hearts are filled with joy today as we celebrate one year of life with you. You have enriched our lives in so many ways. Even before you were born, God used your little life to teach us to trust Him, and we are so thankful that in his kindness, he gave us you.
– You took your first step the day before yesterday! You were standing up at the dollhouse, then let go with both hands and stood there for a few seconds. I could tell you were thinking about what to do next and you very carefully picked up your left foot and took one step. You didn’t fall, but made a calculated decision to sit down. Better safe than sorry, I guess! It won’t be long now though!
– You now have four teeth! You’ve had the bottom two for a few months now, but your first top tooth (your left eye tooth) came in last week. Just yesterday, the opposite eye tooth came in. We’re still waiting on the two in the middle!
Sometimes when you say bye-bye, we can get you to blow kisses. Your
favorite way to give kisses, though, is to give big open-mouth slobbery
the sling or the Ergo, but you’ve also really started enjoying wagon
– I hesitate to say this, because I know it’s super early, but you actually go potty on the potty! You’ve started to keep your diaper dry for longer periods of time, so if I go to change you and you’re dry, I just put you on the potty. And you go! This usually happens once a day. I’m hoping this will make for easier potty training some day soon.
– Your nicknames still include old classics like The Nor, Bellanor, Ellie Belle, and Ellie Gracious, but also include Ellie Pie and Pie Pie here lately. Not sure where those came from, but alas, here they are!
– You really like going to the park. You have always loved the baby swings, but you have started to climb and go down the little slide over the past couple of weeks. You also like to just sit and play in the sand. You’re pretty good about not putting anything in your mouth. If I see you start to, I just say, “Eleanor, give it to Mommy,” and you immediately comply!
– Aside from actual toys, your favorite things to play with are the drawers in the kitchen. You love to open the ones you can reach and empty everything onto the floor. Over and over and over again. While I’m making dinner.
– You really are quite a friendly baby. You don’t mind going to the nursery, and you even enjoy being passed around to lots of friends at church. Unless of course you’re tired, or hungry, in which case only Mommy will suffice. Or possibly Daddy if Mommy is unavailable.
– You are pretty good about playing and entertaining yourself (unless you’re sleepy), but you absolutely love it when your sisters get down and play on the floor with you. You pull right up on them and give them big bear hugs!
Eleanor, in your first year of life, you have brought so much joy and light and laughter to our family. It is true that having another baby just exponentially grows the amount of love that a heart can hold. We are all just smitten with you and your bubbling personality. Our prayer is that as you grow, you will come to know Jesus as the source of true joy and that you will share that joy with all those around you.
We love you, precious one.
Mommy and Daddy (and your sisters too!)