Well, apparently, I missed an entire month of blogging. Not sure how that happened, but I did still take some pictures over the last few weeks! So here’s a big “What we’ve been up to” post! Mostly for my own memories, but feel free to enjoy the pictures.
We took the girls to see Elska – a singing storyteller that the library brought to our local Fine Arts Center. Her songs and stories were quite silly, but the girls LOVED it!
Luke took Caroline for some follow up allergy testing. She hasn’t had any testing done in almost three years, so we wanted to see if there was any possibility she was outgrowing any of her allergies. Turns out that her dairy and egg allergies are definitely subsiding and may be nearly gone! She’s eating cheese, yogurt, eggs baked in cakes/cookies/muffins, and she even had regular ice cream last night for the first time in her life! Looks like her peanut/pecan/walnut allergies might still be sticking around, however.
We celebrated Dr. Seuss week and Read Across America with Bethesda, our homeschool group, and our own little family preschool!

We had a lot of rainy days during the month of March, which made for a lot of inside playtime. 

Caroline kept us laughing…all the time, really.


Here are some of her quotes of the month:

Caroline, before bedtime prayer: “So, Mommy, there’s one God, and there’s three persons, so…one plus three is four gods!” (at least she’s learning math, right?!)

At a church dinner one evening, Caroline came up and asked me if she
could have a “Hosh Kissy”. It took us a while to figure out what she actually wanted, which was a Hershey Kiss!

After reading the girls the story of the Last Supper, we had he following discussion:
Me: So what did Jesus give to his disciples?
Caroline: The bread and the tea.

That girl…
On another note, Anna Kate started her second season of T-ball! She’s doing great! Check back for official uniform pictures and more action shots once we start games next week. But here she is on her first day of practice with a couple of her sweet friends.

And…the girls dressed like sailors on Palm Sunday. I’m telling you, we have been so blessed with hand-me-down clothes from so many people. These three dresses came from three different people on three different occasions. And they all happen to fit at the same time. 

Last, but not least, the girls want to know who you think makes the best Sven?!?

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