AK had a second great season of playing soccer last fall. She had her same coaches (Coach Ashley and Daddy!) from last year, and a number of her same friends as teammates. They had a blast and Anna Kate even scored a number of goals this season! We were so proud of how hard she worked. Luke took all three girls out to the fields for some extra practices on a number of afternoons where I was teaching violin, and their hard work paid off. Poor Caroline missed the cut-off date for turning four by just six weeks, but she had fun participating in some of the practices with Anna Kate and her team.
Anna Kate really played well and went after the ball a lot!
She also really enjoyed having her turn to be goalie!
Not much got past her!
A couple of those October Saturday mornings were pretty chilly! Here are Anna Kate and one of her best buddies bundled up together in Luke’s sweatshirt!
Last day team photo. Go Kona Ice!
Pizza party!
Trophy time!
Next up: Coaches’ Pitch baseball for Anna Kate, and T-ball for Caroline!