For Mother’s Day this year, the girls said they wanted to do something special for me. So they planned a whole-family movie night camp-out where we stayed up late, watched Black Beauty, ate popcorn and slept in the living room all night. Wasn’t that thoughtful of them? 😉
The preschool that I teach at had a special Mother’s Day picnic. We wore our Easter Dresses from last year! Have to get one more good use out of them before they outgrew them!
Each child had special artwork on display in the hallways. Caroline’s is the night/day picture.
And Eleanor’s is the symmetrical painting of the butterfly! I have a feeling she had a little help on that…
Sunday morning I woke up to some special surprises and a yummy breakfast!
And of course, we had to take some pictures after church!
Luke made a wonderful steak dinner to celebrate that evening.
These three little girls are such a blessing in my life and I am so thankful to be their mommy.