September in the Tolbert household…
Caroline learned to write and spell phonetically on her own. So we started finding messages like this all over the place. It reads, “i love you dad four 100 day.” 100 days is apparently the longest amount of time she could think of. Basically, she’s going to love him forever!
The girls did a lot of nature sketching!

We celebrated Papa’s birthday!

And went to pick apples!

(Eleanor’s foot got stung by a bee, so she’s not in most of these!)
Play house at Sky Top orchard

Anna Kate did a geography project on the state of Oregon.

We took some sweet sleepy pictures…

The girls looked super cute one Sunday in their matching dresses.

And looked cute some other random day in not-matching outfits!

This one is too much…

Big girls made Joseph’s coat of many colors for a history project.

AK lost more teeth!

And some afternoons just call for a mommy/daughter selfie!