With December comes the ever-encroaching darkness here in Latvia. The darkest day is December 21, which is the winter solstice. This year on Dec. 21, the sun rose at 9:00AM and set around 3:40PM. To give a comparison, South Carolina averages around 170 sunshine hours in December while Rīga, Latvia averages around 21 sunshine hours. (measured using a sunshine recorder, interesting, right?)
While we are doing well in our first Latvian winter and taking plenty of Vitamin D, one of the benefits of living in a dark, winter country is the breathtaking Christmas lights that you are able to enjoy! Here are some of the lights we were able to see this December:
We went with some friends to a park in Jūrmala with some lights and kids activites.
The girls walking through a park near Old Riga and the Freedom Monument.
A huge Advent wreath in a traffic circle.
The Christmas Tree in the center of our town, Ādaži.
Patty and I wanted to get our picture taken, too! Anna Kate was a good photographer.
A picture near Old Riga at 4:30 in the afternoon 🙂
We tried to stay busy and outside during the Christmas season. We did a lot of shopping, some ice skating, Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, and some other fun things!
The river in front of our apartment building is frozen over.
Came across a Santa band in Riga!
We decided to take the girls to ice skate for the first time. We saw Santa on the way!
Ellie needed to use a “bear” to help her stay up for her first time skating.
A blurry picture, but it was hard to get a good one of everyone in the afternoon darkness.
We had a great time!
Eleanor had fun but decided she was done.
One hour of ice skating and this is what we got on the way home 🙂