For weeks (maybe months), all we have heard about from Eleanor has been her upcoming spring concert. She has been constantly singing and dancing around the house and when her sisters would ask her to be quiet, she would insist that she needed to practice. Well, this past Thursday, all that practice finally paid off!

Eleanor’s kindergarten (ages 3-7) rented out the large concert hall at hour town’s cultural center. In honor of Latvia’s centennial celebration this year, the theme was “Skaistā Mana Latvia” or, “My Beautiful Latvia.” With over 100 children all in traditional Latvian dress and ballet slippers coming and going in groups and joining together at the beginning and end, this performance was incredible. I truly have never seen so many preschoolers with such good stage etiquette! They did exactly the right movements for all their intricate folk dances, and sang some truly beautiful music. Here are a few pictures from the event!

It truly was a very touching performance about what this country of Latvia means to those who call it their homeland. Although their history has not been an easy one, they have maintained their language, their culture, and their heritage in the face of severe opposition. At the end, looking out over the sea of children, it was said that these children are their hope, and the future of their fatherland.

It has been very interesting to see our children (and ourselves) begin to develop a sense of patriotism for this country and we hope that they always have a special place in their hearts for this country and this people. Throughout the performance, I kept thinking about how as much as we are coming to love this people and this place, our great God loves it even more. It is our prayer that over the next 100 years of Latvia’s history many would turn and trust Christ for their salvation and that he would be the hope of this nation.