Every year, our town of Ādaži hosts a festival called, Gaujas Svētki. The Gauja River runs through our town so the festival is literally the “Gauja Celebration.” There is day long festivity complete with food, attractions, markets, concerts, and fireworks. This year, all of our girls were invited to march in the parade with their schools. It was quite the celebration and we had a wonderful day full of food, activities, and fun. We also enjoyed reaching out to our community through our church’s tent (more below). Here are some pictures from our time:

Our church set up a tent and offered coffee, tea, cookies, and a free photo booth. Patty baked around 300 chocolate cookies to hand out and I worked on a newsletter magazine that we gave to people as they were waiting in line for the photobooth. We hope that through our outreach, more people are aware of who we are and what we are doing. Here are some pictures from our church’s outreach:

Our church was able to pass out over 150 newsletter magazines and gave away 460 free pictures! Will you join us in praying for those we were able to meet and for the continued outreach of our church?