Last week (after three weeks of waiting!) we finally received our letters in the mail with our official results from our A level Latvian language exam. We could not have been more thrilled with our scores! We needed to score 50% correct to achieve A1 certification and 75% correct for A2 certification. We both scored in the 90s! We even got these cool little cards to keep in our wallets saying that we have achieved language proficiency (at least what is required for governmental purposes like permanent residency). In fact, our language supervisor said that we really scored so high that she wants us to go ahead and take the B level exam soon and see what happens. Patty is planning to take the exam in September and Luke sometime toward the end of the fall.

In all honesty, while we were very excited to see some tangible results of our study over the last 9 months, we both know that a score on an exam is not our goal. Our goal is to be able to build relationships and share the love of Christ and the truth of the gospel in the heart language of the people here in Latvia. Please keep praying for us to that end.

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