Sweet Caroline Hope, today you are SEVEN years old!
You are such a special little girl and the privilege of raising you is one of the greatest joys that God has ever given us. We love you more than you ever will know. Here are some fun things about you and the past year of your life.
- You have grown so much in your confidence this past year. Since your last birthday, you’ve attended two different schools, all in Latvian, and have done so with grace and courage.
- Speaking of Latvian, you are well on your way to becoming completely bilingual. We considered getting you a tutor over the summer to help get you ready for big school, but then almost overnight, you just started speaking Latvian! It definitely had something to do with all the playing outside with friends you did all summer long!
- Your first month of First Grade at the big school could not be going better! You were a little nervous about not knowing anyone in your class, but you already have several friends! You also might be the teacher’s pet. She has told me how you are so caring and concerned about all of the other children in the class and if she is ever missing anyone in her head count, you always know who it is and exactly where they are.
- In addition to starting school, you have also started dance school this year. You go three times a week after school for 1.5 hours and you have loved it. The program is comprised of ballet, tap, Latvian folk dance, and improvisation. The only one that you aren’t really sure about yet is improv! Each week you have to create and prepare a 20-30 second dance within certain parameters and perform it for the class. This week you had to perform a dance based on your favorite animal. You were so nervous about it, but you were thrilled when I picked you up and said everyone knew exactly what you were (a bear!) and loved it!
- When we asked you today what you wanted to be when you grow up, you immediately responded with “dance teacher.” This is no surprise, as two of the things you love most in all the world are dance and children! You said you would really want to teach little kids like first and second graders 🙂
- We have been so impressed by how you have handled the increased responsibility of first grade, as compared with kindergarten/preschool. You are so diligent and never procrastinate. When you get home from school, the first thing you do is get out and complete any homework you might have. Then you do the other two “school” type things that we do at home (Math-U-See math and violin practicing). Then you pack your backpack for the next day. You have explained to me that you think it’s much better to go ahead and get everything finished and then you can have the whole afternoon/evening to play with your sisters and friends. I think we could all learn a lesson or two from you and we hope you always stay so diligent!
- You are doing so well with your violin playing this year! You have moved well past the twinkles and are now making some beautiful music! You are about halfway through Suzuki book 1 and lately your favorite song is Long, Long Ago.
- One of my favorite moments of the day with you is the day you finally stumble out of the bed before school at the last possible moment and come to the living room with your blanket mostly covering your face. You come right up to my blue chair where I am doing my Bible time (or to Daddy on the weekends), and wait for us to lift you up into our laps for snuggles. Only after that will you even consider starting your day.
- After your snuggles, you go right to your own Bible time. Right now you are reading a book about a different name of God each day and you have lots of good questions, both during your own Bible time and during our family dinner-time devotions.
- Your best friends in the whole world really are your sisters. You and Anna Kate have a really special relationship and you have loved seeing each other at school. You actually have lunch and recess at the same time and I’m told you always run up to each other for big hugs. You often come outside holding hands when I am there to pick you up. At home, you love playing games together and going outside to ride bikes or rollerblades and find your friends.
- As for Eleanor, she thinks you’re the greatest thing in the world. Your favorite things to do with Ellie are playing dolls and playing school. With only minimal disagreements, you all will play together for long stretches of time just making believe that you’re the mommy or the teacher, and imparting all of your vast wisdom to your willing student.
- You are so excited to become a big sister for the second time in January. Now that you are older, I am so looking forward to all of the help I know you will be! This little baby boy has no idea just how loved he is. If we’re going to be honest, I’m not really sure I will ever get to hold him.
Sweet Bear, what fun we have had watching you grow over this past year. You have such a sensitive and loving little heart and we know God has big plans for your life. You bring us so much joy!
Mommy, Daddy, Anna Kate, Eleanor, and baby brother too.
And here are your pictures from ALL of your birthdays!