Happy 100thBirthday, Latvia!
On November 18, 1918, Latvia was officially declared as an independent republic. 2018, the centennial, was a year filled with celebrations, all culminating on the 18th of November. Since it fell on a Sunday, our church hosted a special worship service and celebration lunch. Many friends and neighbors were invited to join us and it was a wonderful time of asking for God’s blessing on the people of Latvia.
That evening, we ventured into Riga with several other families (and what seemed to be the entire population of Latvia!). We knew there would be no parking in the city that night, so we took extremely crowded public transportation and made an adventure of it! The music and fireworks and time with friends were worth it, but we were exhausted when we finally returned home around 1am!
We truly are coming to love this country that we now call home and are so grateful for the opportunity to learn more about its people, culture, and history as we seek to share the good news of Jesus in this place.