Sweet baby Christopher, how quickly you are growing! You are now four months old and really starting to develop your personality, and what a precious one it is! You continue to capture our hearts with each and every day!This month on Mother’s Day we had the special privilege to join with our church family to pray for and dedicate you to the Lord. Our prayer for you, Christopher, is that the Lord would bless you and keep you, make His face to shine down upon you and be gracious unto you, lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
– According to my less than accurate weighing method, you now weigh almost 8 kg (18lbs)! You really are quite a big boy, and Mommy is getting some pretty big arm muscles from toting you around everywhere!
– You are officially rolling over – fast! Just a couple days ago, you really weren’t able to do it on your own, and then all of a sudden, you figured it out! You go from back to tummy and tummy to back really fast!
– In addition to rolling over, you can also spin yourself around to see what you want to see. You also have pulled your knees up under you a few times and scoot forward just a little bit at a time so that when I turn my back for just a second and come back, I might find you completely off of your mat! It’s definitely time for us to start thinking about baby gates!
– We started using the Ergo baby carrier this month and you love it. You still like the sling when you want to be laying down and resting, but you love the Ergo because you are upright and facing Mommy (or Daddy!) and can look around better at the world around you.
– You are an extremely social baby and love to smile and talk with us and anyone else (hence why you like being upright in the Ergo). I think you think you are really having conversations with us when we talk to you and you babble back!
– You still love walks around our neighborhood and town in your pram. It’s gotten to be warm enough that you don’t need to be bundled up any more and you can roll around and play with your toys (and your toes!) a little more freely while we take walks! Of course, if we’re on any kind of bumpy road (like cobblestone) you fall right to sleep!
– Your sisters have started playing peek-a-boo with you and you think it’s pretty funny! Actually, you think everything your sisters do is pretty funny! You think it’s the best when they all three come up and start playing with you. You look from one to the other to the next, and back again and just giggle and giggle!
– You have become an expert at grabbing toys and pulling them to your mouth. But again, if you don’t have any toys around, your toes work just fine!
– You are still sleeping in your Moses basket right next to Mommy and Daddy’s bed. We’ve talked about setting up your crib, because you’re almost too long for the basket, but we haven’t done it yet. You are sleeping well (waking up just a couple times to eat and go back to sleep), so we haven’t wanted to mess with a good thing. You’ve also started going to bed a little earlier in the evenings (between 8-9pm) and giving Mommy and Daddy a little quiet time before we come and join you.
– You have started to occasionally escape the swaddle in the mornings, but you still like it to fall asleep at night. On the days when you’re still swaddled when you wake up, though, your sisters all love to unwrap you and watch you stretch like a little kitten!
– Your biggest news today on your four-month birthday is that you met your Mimi and Papa for the first time! They just flew in to spend the next nine days with us and you are so excited to show them your sweet little personality!
Baby boy, you are absolutely precious. We love you and love watching you grow.
Mommy and Daddy