Dear Christopher,

What a sweet month of new adventures we have had together! You spent about as many nights away from home as you did at home this month, but you were happy to be along for the ride. And you certainly didn’t let it slow you down from growing and changing and trying new things!

  • You went on your first airplane ride to our annual conference in Amsterdam. I put you in the Ergo and you were happy to sleep almost the entire flight. A little thumb sucking and a little nursing, and you were good to go!
  • As for our annual conference, you weren’t really thrilled about going to your class so that Mommy could go to meetings. Each of my sessions was about 90 minutes, but you usually only lasted 45-60 of playing with the other babies and teachers before you decided you’d had enough and needed Mommy. So you spent a good bit of time in the meetings with me!
  • One of the reasons you wanted Mommy so much was that your first tooth popped through while we were there! Daddy was actually the one who found it when you decided you wanted to grab his finger and bite it. Hard!
  • After that first tooth showed up, you really haven’t done much thumb-sucking anymore. I don’t know if it’s just because you’re still teething and it’s uncomfortable, or if you’re done for good, but we’ll see. I have to admit, I might miss how cute it was if you’re done!
  • We tried some first foods this month and you seem to love it all! You’ve tried carrots, avocado, kabacis (an oversized Latvian zucchini squash), potatoes, apples, pears, and bananas. You haven’t met one you don’t like!
  • Since you started getting more active last month, this month it was time to put away the pram part of your stroller and get out the seat with the buckles. It was a little hard for me to accept that your tiny newborn days are over, but you are having a lot of fun sitting up for your walks and seeing everything going on around you! 
  • A few days after we returned from Amsterdam, we went on a road trip to the coast for BPI family camp. It was about a 2 hour and 45 min drive, and you were good for the first two hours, but then decided you’d had it. So we stopped for a while and let you get out and stretch and snuggle. As for the camp, you did pretty well as long as Mommy was holding you or Daddy was playing with you. We brought your stroller, which you took a few naps in!
  • While we were at camp, you tried a baby swing for the first time, and loved it! Now you have something to do when we’re out on the playground in our apartment complex!
  • Back at home you really took off! You pulled up to standing on the couch and in your crib on the same day and since then there’s been no stopping you! You just about refuse to stay on your bottom. You crawl all over the place pulling up on chairs, ottomans, drawers, baby gates, bookshelves, you name it. You also made sure we knew all of the places we hadn’t babyproofed well enough (outlets, cords, books on bottom shelves, etc.)!
  • You’re basically a terrible sleeper these days. No reason to sugar coat it! You’re still working on your next tooth, though, so maybe it’s just a phase? Here’s hoping! At least you’re cute and snuggly!
  • You are a very ticklish, giggly, and happy baby. You love it when we play with you and you give the biggest smiles to everyone around you. You love watching your sisters play and you love it when they play with you!
  • To celebrate the end of summer, we decided we’d go on a two-night family camping trip. We hadn’t been able to use our tent yet this summer, so we made it happen. You really loved sitting by the fire with Daddy. We brought your travel crib for you to sleep in, but you really had nothing to do with it. The first night was pretty chilly, so you ended up on the air mattress with Mommy and Daddy. And the second night, although it was warmer, you decided our bed was more comfortable anyway. But you actually slept pretty well and served as my personal heater for the night! 
  • Your favorite toys this month are leaves, empty water bottles, the vacuum cleaner, and the uncooked fruits and vegetables people have been bringing us from their gardens. Especially the kabacis (summer squashes) that are almost as big as you are! You also play with some of your actual toys, but you much prefer random objects!
  • And, last but not least, you outgrew all your pants this month! There were several days warm enough for you to wear shorts, and then when I pulled your pants back out, they were all too short! Time to pull out the 12-month (80cm) clothes!

Christopher, you are the sweetest. You keep us running constantly, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Every time you give us one of those precious smiles, we thank God again for the gift that you are. We love you.


Mommy and Daddy