2 Thoughts on “6 months old!”

  • This is a beautiful summary of our sweet Caroline. I love the picture. She is growing so fast! I sure miss being with you and going to the park! Tell both of my sweet girls that Grandma sure loves them!

    Love Mom

  • She is so OLD already!! I can't believe she's already 6 mos old and I feel like you just messaged me that you were pregnant again!! Ahhhh time…

    Anyway, you may already know this, but breastmilk (squirted straight on in!) is really awesome at knocking out pink eye most of the time. Not all the time, but it's worked for me every time I've ever had an eye infection coming on. (Obviously I didn't squirt myself but used a cup, lol)… maybe next time it would spare you the eye drops?

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