Caroline had her 6-month doctor visit yesterday! I was actually really proud of myself for getting it this close to her actual 6-month birthday (she was more like 5 months old at her 4 month visit…oh well!) It was a beautiful morning, so we walked to the doctor (we usually walk since it’s only about 3 blocks away). Here she is in her stroller in the waiting room.

Anyway, she did great for her appointment and passed with flying colors! Here are our sweet girl’s stats:

Height: 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 16 lbs. 12 oz.

She is growing well and becoming stronger every day. She showed off her sitting skills for the doctor very nicely! Her favorite part of the doctor’s office is the paper on the table. She likes to grab it and crinkle it and try to put it in her mouth…luckily she’s not faster than Mommy!

On another note, we are going to go see an allergist to see if we can figure out what is bothering her skin…she has been doing somewhat better since I stopped eating milk, eggs, and wheat. But, that doesn’t leave a whole lot for me to eat, so we would like to figure out which one of those (if any) it actually is! But for the meantime, if anyone has any gluten/dairy/egg-free recipes, send them on!

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